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Main article: Solubility.
Related article: Solubility table.
Related article: Solubility curve.
There you can find solubility data of all compounds from the project in different solvents.
Data grouped with tabs by solvents, with tables by first letters of compounds name.
Sort by cation name, if you want to use anion sort - visit russian equivalent or use comparison page Solubility curve.
Graph controls:
mouseover/tap on points of curve - show the exact solubility data from the reference mouseover/tap on a curve - show the interpolated solubility data double click/double tap on curve - off certain solubility curve click on compound name - on/off certain curve click on legend title - on/off all the curves click on axis name - scaling from 0 to max value click on units name - change units and recalculate the data: Solubility: grams of compound per 100 grams of solvent <=> % of solvent mass, Temperature: °C <=> °K <=> °F <=> °Ra