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Lead(II) nitrate

From Crystal growing

   Lead(II) nitrate   
Names: lead(II) nitrate
lead(II) dinitrate
Formula: Pb(NO3)2
Molar mass: 331.208 g/mol
Density: 4.53 g/cm3
Crystal system: cubic
a=7.84 Å, b=7.84 Å, c=7.84 Åα=90°, β=90°, γ=90°

Color: colorless
Decomposition point: 270 °C543.15 K <br />518 °F <br />977.67 °R <br />
Refractive index: 1.782
Magnetic properties: diamagnetic
χ=-7.40 · 10-5cm³/mol
Stability: stable
Hardness: fragile
Toxicity: moderately toxic


Inorganic compound, salt of transitional metal lead and inorganic nitric acid. Doesn't form water hydrates.


Reaction between lead(II) oxide, hydroxide, carbonate or hydroxycarbonate and nitric acid

Chemical equation:

PbO + 2HNO3 = Pb(NO3)2 + H2O
Pb(OH)2 + 2HNO3 = Pb(NO3)2 + 2H2O
PbCO3 + 2HNO3 = Pb(NO3)2 + H2O + CO2
Pb2CO3(OH)2 + 4HNO3 = 2Pb(NO3)2 + CO2↑ + 3H2O

For preparation of 100.00g of lead(II) nitrate а 67.39g of lead(II) oxide or 72.83g of hydroxide or 80.68g of carbonate or 76.75g of hydroxycarbonate and 58.54g of 65% acid is required.

Add acid to the flask, then add small parts of lead compound with stirring until it will totally dissolve or, if you use carbonate, until carbon dioxide emission will stop. After reaction will stop, filter the solution and use it for crystal growing.

Reaction between metal lead and diluted nitric acid

Chemical equation:

3Pb + 8HNO3 = 3Pb(NO3)2 + 2NO2↑ + 4H2O

For preparation of 100.00g of lead(II) nitrate а 62.56g of pure lead and 78.05g of 65% acid is required.

Add diluted acid solution to the flask, then add lead pieces, shavings or powder and stir it until gas emission will stop.

Influence of impurities

About 10-4 % of methylene blue in solution changes crystal form to cubooctahedron.

Influence of pH level

Is water soluble only at low pH level (0...3), achieved by addition of nitric acid. At higher pH values completely hydrolyzes to basic salts.


Dissolving is endothermic, solution cools much.

Storage conditions

Keep in its original form or under several layers of varnish at average humidity and room temperature. Do not keep crystals near heaters.


Temperatureg/100,00 g waterg/100,00 g ethanol 50%g/100,00 g ethanolg/100,00 g methanolg/100,00 g pyridine
0°C273.15 K <br />32 °F <br />491.67 °R <br />36.44.39
10°C283.15 K <br />50 °F <br />509.67 °R <br />45.5
20°C293.15 K <br />68 °F <br />527.67 °R <br />52.28.770.04
25°C298.15 K <br />77 °F <br />536.67 °R <br />56.51.425.46
40°C313.15 K <br />104 °F <br />563.67 °R <br />72.89
60°C333.15 K <br />140 °F <br />599.67 °R <br />92.64
80°C353.15 K <br />176 °F <br />635.67 °R <br />110.3
100°C373.15 K <br />212 °F <br />671.67 °R <br />127.3
Slightly soluble in acetone. Insoluble in nitric acid.



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