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Nickel nitrate

From Crystal growing

   Nickel nitrate   
Names: nickel nitrate
nickelous nitrate
Formula: Ni(NO3)2 (anhydrous)
Ni(NO3)2 · 6H2O (hexahydrate)
Molar mass: 182.701 g/mol (anhydrous)
290.790 g/mol (hexahydrate)
Density: 2.05 g/cm3 (hexahydrate)
Crystal system: triclinic (hexahydrate)
monoclinic (dihydrate)
a=5.7664 Å, b=5.907 Å, c=8.4676 Åα=90°, β=90.966°, γ=90°
cubic (anhydrous)
a=7.31 Å, b=7.31 Å, c=7.31 Åα=90°, β=90°, γ=90°

Color: blue-green
Melting point: 56.7 °C329.85 K <br />134.06 °F <br />593.73 °R <br /> (hexahydrate)
Decomposition point: 136.7 °C409.85 K <br />278.06 °F <br />737.73 °R <br /> (hexahydrate)
~200 °C"~" is not declared as a valid unit of measurement for this property. (anhydrous)
Refractive index: 1.422 (hexahydrate)
Magnetic properties: paramagnetic
χ=4.30 · 10-3cm³/mol
Stability: stable (hexahydrate)
hygroscopic (anhydrous)
Hardness: fragile
Toxicity: slightly toxic


Inorganic compound, salt of bivalent transitional metal nickel and inorganic nitric acid. From water solutions crystallizes as hexahydrate.


Reaction between nickel oxide, hydroxide or hydroxycarbonate and nitric acid

Chemical equation:

NiO + 2HNO3 = Ni(NO3)2 + H2O
Ni(OH)2 + 2HNO3 = Ni(NO3)2 + 2H2O
Ni2CO3(OH)2 + 4HNO3 = 2Ni(NO3)2 + CO2↑ + 3H2O

For preparation of 100.00g of nickel nitrate hexahydrate а 25.69g of nickel oxide or 31.88g of hydroxide or 36.35g of hydroxycarbonate and 66.67g of 65% acid is required.

Add acid to the flask, then add small parts of nickel compound with stirring until it will totally dissolve or, if you use carbonate, until carbon dioxide emission will stop. After reaction will stop, filter the solution and use it for crystal growing.

Reaction between metal nickel and diluted nitric acid

Chemical equation:

3Ni + 8HNO3 = 3Ni(NO3)2 + 2NO2↑ + 4H2O

For preparation of 100.00g of nickel nitrate hexahydrate а 20.18g of pure nickel and 88.90g of 65% acid is required.

Add diluted acid solution to the flask, then add nickel pieces, shavings or powder and stir it until gas emission will stop.

Reaction between nickel sulfate and calcium or lead(II) nitrate

You can use nickel chloride instead of sulfate if you use lead salt..
Chemical equation:

NiSO4 + Ca(NO3)2 = CaSO4↓ + Ni(NO3)2
NiSO4 + Pb(NO3)2 = PbSO4↓ + Ni(NO3)2
NiCl2 + Pb(NO3)2 = PbCl2↓ + Ni(NO3)2

For preparation of 100.00g of nickel nitrate hexahydrate а 81.74g of nickel chloride hexahydrate or 96.58g of nickel sulfate heptahydrate and 113.90g of nitrate lead(II) or 81.21g of calcium nitrate tetrahydrate is required.

Add to the flask with calcium or lead nitrate solution small parts of nickel salt solution and stir. The large amount of poorly soluble precipitate will form. Settle it out and discard, then filter the solution carefully.

Reaction between nickel hydroxide or hydroxycarbonate and ammonium nitrate

Chemical equation:

Ni(OH)2 + 2NH4NO3 = Ni(NO3)2 + 2H2O + 2NH3
Ni2CO3(OH)2 + 4NH4NO3 = 2Ni(NO3)2 + 3H2O + 2NH3↑ + CO2

For preparation of 100.00g of nickel nitrate hexahydrate а 31.88g of hydroxide or 36.35g of nickel hydroxycarbonate and 55.05g of ammonium nitrate is required.

Add to the flask suspended in water nickel compounds and then add small parts of hot ammonium nitrate solution with heating and stirring. Emission of large amount of ammonia will begin.Attention, exuding ammonia irritates eyes and lungs! The synthesis should be carried out only in a fume hood or outdoors!

Storage conditions

Keep in its original form or under several layers of varnish at average humidity and room temperature. Do not keep crystals near heaters.


Temperatureg/100,00 g waterg/100,00 g ethylene glycolg/100,00 g hydrazineg/100,00 g dimethylformamide
0°C273.15 K <br />32 °F <br />491.67 °R <br />79.2243
20°C293.15 K <br />68 °F <br />527.67 °R <br />94.178.13
25°C298.15 K <br />77 °F <br />536.67 °R <br />99.220
30°C303.15 K <br />86 °F <br />545.67 °R <br />~105
40°C313.15 K <br />104 °F <br />563.67 °R <br />118.4
50°C323.15 K <br />122 °F <br />581.67 °R <br />139.2
60°C333.15 K <br />140 °F <br />599.67 °R <br />157.7
70°C343.15 K <br />158 °F <br />617.67 °R <br />180.1
100°C373.15 K <br />212 °F <br />671.67 °R <br />255
Soluble in ethanol, DMSO, ammonia and acetonitrile.


